Study A Year at Langports
About Us
Having seen what an amazing life changing experience it is to study abroad, Langports wanted to offer this to young people who could never dream of having this opportunity. We had been supporting Blue Dragon in Hanoi, Vietnam for a number of years and they were the obvious choice as a partner in the project.
In January 2016 we welcomed Trong to Langports to begin his scholarship to study one year in Australia.
Trong was chosen by our project partner Blue Dragon, as our first candidate and since then a further seven young people from disadvantaged backgrounds have successfully graduated from our program.

The Programme
The objective of the SAYL program is to give disadvantaged youths a chance of a better life, through a one year ‘life changing’ experience in Australia.
The Langports Foundation will offer the selected candidate;
Student Visa application fees.
Return flights Hanoi – Brisbane
48 weeks English language study at Langports Brisbane
50 weeks’ accommodation with an Australian Family – half board.
An Australian bank account with a weekly allowance of $175 AUD pocket money
Allianz OSHC
Blue Dragon will;
Assist with selection of candidate
Find a ‘professional’ relevant job in Vietnam upon return.
To have the maximum opportunity of achieving a successful outcome, it’s critical that the recipient is chosen carefully and suitable support is provided before, during and after return to home country.
The recipient must return to their home country after their study period. Langports will not support or allow any potential interest in staying in Australia.
The suitable candidate must meet the following criteria;
Be 18 + years old (or age of independent adulthood)
Be literate and have a basic knowledge of English
Come from a disadvantaged background
Show a real desire to participate
Have a goal which can be supported by this program.
Be of good character
The program has been operating since 2016 and we are proud to say that seven young people from Hanoi have all successfully completed all elements of the program and returned home. They have all achieved a good level of English and have found a level of confidence and self- belief that will stand them in good stead for their futures. (Please see the profiles of the successful scholars on a separate document)
Desired Outcome
The Recipient;
Should receive a ‘life changing’ experience, and one that puts them in a stronger position to hold down a professional occupation in Vietnam. Supporting the work and ethos of Blue Dragon and The Langports Foundation. They will have;
Developed personality and strong personal characteristics
Learned self- belief and confidence by being independent and self sufficient
Met and learned to appreciate Australian people and culture
Met and learned to appreciate the people of many countries.
Understood and learnt to appreciate new cultures.
Made life- long friends
Upper-intermediate/advanced English language ability
Set strong foundations for good work prospects and a prosperous life.
Had the opportunity to consider themselves and what their future holds – free from the suffocating responsibilities and pressures they live under in Vietnam.